CoVa Battle of the Burgers Logo

Restaurant Toolkit

We can’t wait for you to join us on June 8, 2024 at Chesapeake City Park for the CoVa Battle of the Burgers. We have put together a promotional toolkit for you to use however you see fit. Please tag us @coastalvamag and use the hashtag #covaburgerbattle when sharing on social media.

Important Dates:
May 8: one month away (All participants, please post!)
May 22: two weeks away (All participants, please post!)

Instagram Posts: (Download Image 1 and Image 2)

Instagram Stories: (Download Image 1 and Image 2)

Facebook Cover: (Download Here)

Logos: (Download Colored Logo, B&W Logo, Horizontal Logo)

CoVa Battle of the Burgers Logo Circle
CoVa Battle of the Burgers Logo